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If there's one way to describe Kimi ni Todoke (aside from 'refreshing'), it would be soothing, like chamomile. In the language of flowers, chamomile stands for "energy and patience in adversity" because of its ability to restore harmony and balance into our lives ((as stated in That's what Sawako is all about, that's what the Kanto Library Force is all about. I'm not exactly sure if Shiina Karuho thought about this chamomile symbolism beforehand, because since there are no visible signs of chamomiles in the manga (especially not as 'visible' as the one in the anime). Either way it can only mean one thing: P.I.G. is AWESOME *bow* Related posts:Kimi ni Todoke: From Around The ‘Sphere to YouKimi ni Todoke Reached My Soul: Sawako-chan is so SawayaKYAA~Atashi ni Todoke: Revving Up the Engine With a Little Paradigm Shift
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