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The Catch Up Episodes: Episode 1: Burst Through the Heaven with your Drill! Episode 2: I said I'd Pilot it! The Catch Up Plot: Simon and Kamina were living mostly safe, but underwhelming lives in their subterranean city. That is, until a giant face (meant literally) invades. With the addition of scantily clad sniper Yoko, the team traveled back to her village, where they were fighting the face monsters (who turned out to be beastmen in giant mechs.)   Kamina, or Captain Cool, decided that Simon wouldn't be the only one who gets a mech, and decides to steal one of enemy's mechs. This, act, both implausible and reckless, somehow works out, but Kamina seemingly comes face to face with the death his father sufferred on the surface.   Today's Episode Title: You Two-Faced Son of a Bitch!   This, my friends, is the episode where the awesome goes from 10 to an 11. I was interested and amused by episodes 1 and 2, but holy crap... the moments of ridiculous and amazing just weave together to create quite the experience. Enjoy! <object width="512" height="296"> <param name="movie" value=""> </param> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"> <embed wmode="transparent" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="512" height="296"> </embed> </param> <param value="transparent" name="wmode"> </param> </object>
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