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Coming up with Blood C's Hikari no Saki which is a beautiful tune you must hear. Even though it was meant to be played only by piano, you can use this for a base to transcribe into other instrument. It can be a solo or orchestra. When I heard this score for the first time, I sensed the possibility for orchestra sounds. So why don't you try? For solo that unable to play 2 octave notes in the same time, choose one: the higher tune or the lower one. For beginners, keep everything simple. The accompaniment for this score is actually pretty easy. With a careful listening, you can actually find the pattern of the accompaniment styles. At least Beginner-Intermediate should try and Intermediate musicians should already be able to figure the pattern. E N J O Y!!! ------------------ PACK DESCRIPTION: Total page: 1 File type: jpg Supplement: (find the OST 1) ------------------- DOWNLOAD  Download page: here For visualize download help, see FAQ: Download Problems at section #6 ------------------- Please continue to support us by visiting our SHOPS. Thank you for reading! Wish you the best on playing music!
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