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Apparently, what inspired Hiro Arikawa to write Toshokan Sensou is the Statement of Intellectual Freedom in Libraries of the JLA (Japan Library Association), written on a plaque inside the library she and her husband visited. This was mentioned in her postscript in volume 1, but I really didn't understand it until today, when I checked out the spunky updated Toshokan Sensou article on Wikipedia. I fail as a TS fan! zetsuboushitaaa! I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this Intellectual Freedom Statement... it's the exact Library Liberation Act of the novel -- the four articles, expounded upon point by point. I never thought it exists in real life O.O My respect for libraries just escalated to a thousandfold after this. I guess this means that the people mocking Library War for its "ridiculous" premise of fighting for books are also mocking this Library Bill of Rights (the US has one too) in the process. tsk.
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