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Opening Theme: 「光の季節」- Hikari no Kisetsu by Suara Download: AVI format (21.8MB) | AVI mirror (21.8MB) | PSP format (coming soon) Well, this is one of the nicest surprises this autumn. It looks like J.C Staff honed in the paint-like drawing that they started in Karin and use it to full effect in this episode. The storyline is interesting as well with loads of drama and romantic implication. I do have to say that after watching the first episode, Shoukou doesn't seem as sympathetic as she was in concept. The opening theme by Suara is beautiful to listen to and the same thing can be said about the ED theme by Yuumao. They both seem to illustrate a hot, lazy summer season. I think if you're looking for a drama/romance series and haven't been able to find a good one this summer, then maybe you should give this series a look. I'm not sure how many episodes this series is scheduled for but it looks like a 13 episodes series.
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