The anime begins like a fairy tale with Once Upon A Time, as it tells the legend of Horo the wolf god of the harvest who formerly ensured a good harvest, but as humans progressed using their own power they’ve lost the need to keep the harvest bargain forged with the Horo. Craft Lawrence is a merchant who’s stopped and searched at a prosperous looking walled city. The guard warns Craft that a pagan festival is to begin at a village to the south; the guard goes on to say that the villagers don’t believe in the One True God. Craft arrives at the village of Pasroe looking for his apprentice Chloe. Chloe is in the fields and harvests the final bundle of wheat making here Horo in the upcoming festival. When Craft departs from the village he finds a stowaway in the wagon, it’s a nude girl who claims to be Horo. But Craft is skeptical of Horo and demands proof that the girl is a god.This looks like it may be an enjoyable fantasy series, it looks like its set in medieval Europe just before the Christian church had absolute authority. It’s based on a light novel series by Isuna Hasekura, the seventh volume of the series is due out in Feburary. According to ANN the pair travel together as merchants but Horo draws unwanted attention from the church. This was a good introductory episode and I look forward to seeing more of it. I like storylines were the characters are travelers, it gives the viewers a chance to experience more of the writer’s world. It probably started back when I was in grammar school and read the Hobbit. There were no action scenes in this episode but it reminds me of a European setting of the Guardian of the Sacred Spirit / Seirei no Moribito anime so if you liked that anime or Aria you should check this one out.Download the first English fansub episode here.
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