Title: 【Kuchi-Makase】
Writer(s): Kuchi Makase
URL: http://kuchimakase.cielle.org
Feed: http://kuchimakase.cielle.org/feed/
Indexed since: Oct. 21, 2009
Description: An anime & manga blog run by three insane fangirls who love sharing their rants with the world. Reviews, links, summaries, downloads, we have a variety of things~ We love spreading our fandoms, so we have a good amount of outside links to things like recommended fanfic, fanart, and videos, in hopes that others can squeal with us. :3
Writer(s): Kuchi Makase
URL: http://kuchimakase.cielle.org
Feed: http://kuchimakase.cielle.org/feed/
Indexed since: Oct. 21, 2009
Description: An anime & manga blog run by three insane fangirls who love sharing their rants with the world. Reviews, links, summaries, downloads, we have a variety of things~ We love spreading our fandoms, so we have a good amount of outside links to things like recommended fanfic, fanart, and videos, in hopes that others can squeal with us. :3