Title: 見ないで! ひとり言
Writer(s): jpmeyer
URL: http://jphinano.wordpress.com
Feed: http://jphinano.wordpress.com/feed
Indexed since: June 1, 2006
Description: After a major DDOS attack on minaidehazukashii.com, JP and Hinano thought about it very hard and realized that getting their own hosting or even a dedicated server was a waste of money and stress. Being sick and tired of poor customer service and shitty hosting they decided to combine their powers of <strong>見ないで!恥ずかしい…</strong> and <strong>Ex-Fansubber ひとり言</strong> to form <s>Captain Planet</s> 見ないで!ひとり言. Importing and trying to merge 2.5 years of entries was a task they decided wasn't worth it so they decided to start fresh as a team and so this blog was born...
Writer(s): jpmeyer
URL: http://jphinano.wordpress.com
Feed: http://jphinano.wordpress.com/feed
Indexed since: June 1, 2006
Description: After a major DDOS attack on minaidehazukashii.com, JP and Hinano thought about it very hard and realized that getting their own hosting or even a dedicated server was a waste of money and stress. Being sick and tired of poor customer service and shitty hosting they decided to combine their powers of <strong>見ないで!恥ずかしい…</strong> and <strong>Ex-Fansubber ひとり言</strong> to form <s>Captain Planet</s> 見ないで!ひとり言. Importing and trying to merge 2.5 years of entries was a task they decided wasn't worth it so they decided to start fresh as a team and so this blog was born...