Title: Ryuugoku no Senjou: The Otaku Spot
Writer(s): xXMikotoNakadaiXx
URL: http://ryuugokunosenjou.blog
Feed: http://theotakuspot.animeblogger.net/?feed=rss2
Indexed since: June 20, 2007
Description: A blog to release my inner-nerdiness... a.k.a. blog for anime/manga, video games, jpop, Asian Dramas, etc. But mostly anime and manga, of course. With various reviews on various anime & manga, musings and pointless rants.
Writer(s): xXMikotoNakadaiXx
URL: http://ryuugokunosenjou.blog
Feed: http://theotakuspot.animeblogger.net/?feed=rss2
Indexed since: June 20, 2007
Description: A blog to release my inner-nerdiness... a.k.a. blog for anime/manga, video games, jpop, Asian Dramas, etc. But mostly anime and manga, of course. With various reviews on various anime & manga, musings and pointless rants.