Title: A Feminist Otaku
Writer(s): caddyc
URL: http://afeministotaku.com/
Feed: http://www.afeministotaku.com/?feed=rss2
Indexed since: Oct. 7, 2009
Description: A Feminist Otaku is a blog about gender issues that are both explored by and perpetuated by anime, manga, and fandom in general. I enjoy writing about series that inspire me and that show great examples of well-rounded, non-traditional or stereotypical female characters. They are out there!
Writer(s): caddyc
URL: http://afeministotaku.com/
Feed: http://www.afeministotaku.com/?feed=rss2
Indexed since: Oct. 7, 2009
Description: A Feminist Otaku is a blog about gender issues that are both explored by and perpetuated by anime, manga, and fandom in general. I enjoy writing about series that inspire me and that show great examples of well-rounded, non-traditional or stereotypical female characters. They are out there!