Title: Adziu's Small Corner
Writer(s): Adziu
URL: http://adziu.blogspot.com/
Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/AdziusSmallCorner
Indexed since: Oct. 5, 2011
Description: Anime, manga and animation from around the world - a site with reviews of the hundreds of full series, movies and OVAs I've watched and blogged about since 2005.
Writer(s): Adziu
URL: http://adziu.blogspot.com/
Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/AdziusSmallCorner
Indexed since: Oct. 5, 2011
Description: Anime, manga and animation from around the world - a site with reviews of the hundreds of full series, movies and OVAs I've watched and blogged about since 2005.