Title: AllFiction
Writer(s): 2Shea11
URL: http://www.all-fiction.net
Feed: http://www.all-fiction.net/feed/
Indexed since: Jan. 12, 2013
Description: AllFiction is an anime-focused blog originally founded as “Kita ze Inbou!” in 2006, by Tommy aka Prince Leon. In 2012, a rebirth occurred for KzI in partnership with Everfluence, and has come to life as AllFiction. It is our personal mission to provide the best content for our readers, at all times. Featuring the latest from Anime/Manga/Gaming, Japanese Culture - AllFiction has you covered; with news, reviews, features, and editorials from one of the most amazing teams in anime blogging.
Writer(s): 2Shea11
URL: http://www.all-fiction.net
Feed: http://www.all-fiction.net/feed/
Indexed since: Jan. 12, 2013
Description: AllFiction is an anime-focused blog originally founded as “Kita ze Inbou!” in 2006, by Tommy aka Prince Leon. In 2012, a rebirth occurred for KzI in partnership with Everfluence, and has come to life as AllFiction. It is our personal mission to provide the best content for our readers, at all times. Featuring the latest from Anime/Manga/Gaming, Japanese Culture - AllFiction has you covered; with news, reviews, features, and editorials from one of the most amazing teams in anime blogging.