Title: Ambivalence- or is it ambiguity?
Writer(s): Valence
URL: http://ambivalen.wordpress.com
Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/AmbivalenceOrIsItAmbiguity
Indexed since: June 25, 2010
Description: This is not the greatest anime blog in the world, this is just a tribute. All the other blogs are too mainstream. We remain underground, forever ambiguous. Mostly an editorial blog, with occasional forays into the realm of philosophy, art critique, and of course, episode reviews.
Writer(s): Valence
URL: http://ambivalen.wordpress.com
Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/AmbivalenceOrIsItAmbiguity
Indexed since: June 25, 2010
Description: This is not the greatest anime blog in the world, this is just a tribute. All the other blogs are too mainstream. We remain underground, forever ambiguous. Mostly an editorial blog, with occasional forays into the realm of philosophy, art critique, and of course, episode reviews.