Title: Anime, Manga and Everything In-Between
Writer(s): KingArthur13th
URL: http://kingarthur13th.blogspot.com/
Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/AnimeMangaAndEverythingIn-between
Indexed since: Nov. 21, 2013
Description: This blog contains just about everything related to the world of Japanese anime and manga. Including wallpapers, soundtracks, reviews, among many other things.
Writer(s): KingArthur13th
URL: http://kingarthur13th.blogspot.com/
Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/AnimeMangaAndEverythingIn-between
Indexed since: Nov. 21, 2013
Description: This blog contains just about everything related to the world of Japanese anime and manga. Including wallpapers, soundtracks, reviews, among many other things.