Title: Anime Academy
Writer(s): whitehatazn
URL: animeacademy.wordpress.com
Feed: http://animeacademy.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: Dec. 28, 2007
Description: Currently consists of three anime bloggers in the NJ/NY/PA area who look into anime and anime-related topics with hopefully a slightly-better-than-the-average-college-student writing ability.
Writer(s): whitehatazn
URL: animeacademy.wordpress.com
Feed: http://animeacademy.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: Dec. 28, 2007
Description: Currently consists of three anime bloggers in the NJ/NY/PA area who look into anime and anime-related topics with hopefully a slightly-better-than-the-average-college-student writing ability.