Title: Anime Genesis
Writer(s): Benu
URL: http://anime-gen.com
Feed: http://anime-gen.com/feed/
Indexed since: Jan. 21, 2008
Description: Anime Genesis, the first and the last word on anime. One of the first anime podcasts and still one of the best. Covering news, reviews, manga, and games. Anime Genesis lets you know about the latest and greatest anime coming to the US and Japan. We also give you coverage of conventions with interviews and panels from the hottest names in anime.
Writer(s): Benu
URL: http://anime-gen.com
Feed: http://anime-gen.com/feed/
Indexed since: Jan. 21, 2008
Description: Anime Genesis, the first and the last word on anime. One of the first anime podcasts and still one of the best. Covering news, reviews, manga, and games. Anime Genesis lets you know about the latest and greatest anime coming to the US and Japan. We also give you coverage of conventions with interviews and panels from the hottest names in anime.