Title: Anime Picks
Writer(s): AnimePicks
URL: http://www.animepicks.co.uk
Feed: http://www.animepicks.co.uk/feed
Indexed since: March 7, 2011
Description: Anime Picks is a website dedicated to bringing the latest news, reviews and articles to the anime fans of the west. It's regularly updated with features from Naruto to Bleach and is all done with a Kawaii mascot named Anna May.
Writer(s): AnimePicks
URL: http://www.animepicks.co.uk
Feed: http://www.animepicks.co.uk/feed
Indexed since: March 7, 2011
Description: Anime Picks is a website dedicated to bringing the latest news, reviews and articles to the anime fans of the west. It's regularly updated with features from Naruto to Bleach and is all done with a Kawaii mascot named Anna May.