Title: Anime Viking
Writer(s): Marow
URL: http://animeviking.com/
Feed: http://animeviking.com/feed/
Indexed since: Dec. 14, 2011
Description: Anime Viking started in 28th October 2011 and is, simply enough, a blog mainly about anime. Here you can find editorials, episodics, reviews and all the other stuff you usually find on anime blogs.
Writer(s): Marow
URL: http://animeviking.com/
Feed: http://animeviking.com/feed/
Indexed since: Dec. 14, 2011
Description: Anime Viking started in 28th October 2011 and is, simply enough, a blog mainly about anime. Here you can find editorials, episodics, reviews and all the other stuff you usually find on anime blogs.