Title: Beneath the Tangles
Writer(s): TWWK
URL: http://beneaththetangles.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://beneaththetangles.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: Oct. 3, 2010
Description: Beneath the Tangles strives to make connections between anime and Christian spirituality. Through reviews, analysis, interviews and other methods, this site will unveil the invisible God in an art form almost never meant to show Him. The writer welcomes those of all faiths (and those of none) to explore these connections with him.
Writer(s): TWWK
URL: http://beneaththetangles.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://beneaththetangles.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: Oct. 3, 2010
Description: Beneath the Tangles strives to make connections between anime and Christian spirituality. Through reviews, analysis, interviews and other methods, this site will unveil the invisible God in an art form almost never meant to show Him. The writer welcomes those of all faiths (and those of none) to explore these connections with him.