Title: Crazyanimegyrl Presents: Tha Baka Blog!
Writer(s): crazyanimegyrl
URL: http://crazyanimegyrl.net
Feed: http://crazyanimegyrl.net/feed/
Indexed since: Oct. 13, 2009
Description: Blogging on Anime - yesteryears and present, as well as giving "First Lookie" Impressions on news series, along with current events on what's going on in and around the Anime Community with a big cup of coffee-chan!
Writer(s): crazyanimegyrl
URL: http://crazyanimegyrl.net
Feed: http://crazyanimegyrl.net/feed/
Indexed since: Oct. 13, 2009
Description: Blogging on Anime - yesteryears and present, as well as giving "First Lookie" Impressions on news series, along with current events on what's going on in and around the Anime Community with a big cup of coffee-chan!