Title: Finally Anime!
Writer(s): finallyanime
URL: http://www.finallyanime.com
Feed: http://www.finallyanime.com/feed/
Indexed since: Nov. 28, 2009
Description: *FinallyAnime.Com* - Anime Sites are a dime a dozen, but mine rolls in the quality along with personality! - Updated almost daily and always has something for the viewers. - Open to feedback and people who want to join the team! - Want to write with us? Let me know then! Until then, come and check us out & at least subscribe - Subscribe to us, and we get people to subscribe to you! - If you visit us, drop a comment or something you like! - Guest Writers ALWAYS welcome, even if you don't like to write a lot. We're always happy to edit for you
Writer(s): finallyanime
URL: http://www.finallyanime.com
Feed: http://www.finallyanime.com/feed/
Indexed since: Nov. 28, 2009
Description: *FinallyAnime.Com* - Anime Sites are a dime a dozen, but mine rolls in the quality along with personality! - Updated almost daily and always has something for the viewers. - Open to feedback and people who want to join the team! - Want to write with us? Let me know then! Until then, come and check us out & at least subscribe - Subscribe to us, and we get people to subscribe to you! - If you visit us, drop a comment or something you like! - Guest Writers ALWAYS welcome, even if you don't like to write a lot. We're always happy to edit for you