Title: Gabrielino Anime Club
Writer(s): Eater-of-All
URL: http://ghsanimeclub.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://ghsanimeclub.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: Jan. 14, 2010
Description: If you find the concept of an Anime Blog maintained by a high school anime club preposterous, feel free to unload your bricks here. Includes episode reviews, coverage of random anime community going-ons, and occasional visual novel stuff.
Writer(s): Eater-of-All
URL: http://ghsanimeclub.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://ghsanimeclub.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: Jan. 14, 2010
Description: If you find the concept of an Anime Blog maintained by a high school anime club preposterous, feel free to unload your bricks here. Includes episode reviews, coverage of random anime community going-ons, and occasional visual novel stuff.