Title: Gnostic Lone Wolf Poetry
Writer(s): sethjohnson
URL: http://sethjohnson.wordpress.com
Feed: http://sethjohnson.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: June 2, 2006
Description: I like lists of things that are awesome about awesome things, or lists of things that suck about sucky things. I like bold tags, and humorous captions. I tend to oscillate between really really short posts like "AIR sucks" and really really long poorly organized editorials full of words like 'juxtapose' and 'oscillate' because I like to sound smart. For instance, my pet topics are genre subversion, gender roles, and PASSION.
Writer(s): sethjohnson
URL: http://sethjohnson.wordpress.com
Feed: http://sethjohnson.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: June 2, 2006
Description: I like lists of things that are awesome about awesome things, or lists of things that suck about sucky things. I like bold tags, and humorous captions. I tend to oscillate between really really short posts like "AIR sucks" and really really long poorly organized editorials full of words like 'juxtapose' and 'oscillate' because I like to sound smart. For instance, my pet topics are genre subversion, gender roles, and PASSION.