Title: Heisei Democracy
Writer(s): Shingo
URL: http://heiseidemocracy.com/
Feed: http://heiseidemocracy.com/feed/
Indexed since: June 20, 2006
Description: Semi-daily news and notes from the world of Japanese otakudom, focusing on anime, erotica, and figures, with a lesser emphasis on manga and console games. Also includes editorial content, reviews, and features ranging from the definition of "moe" to a how-to-Comiket guide. Stop on by if you get the chance!
Writer(s): Shingo
URL: http://heiseidemocracy.com/
Feed: http://heiseidemocracy.com/feed/
Indexed since: June 20, 2006
Description: Semi-daily news and notes from the world of Japanese otakudom, focusing on anime, erotica, and figures, with a lesser emphasis on manga and console games. Also includes editorial content, reviews, and features ranging from the definition of "moe" to a how-to-Comiket guide. Stop on by if you get the chance!