Title: Hey, Say, Anime!
Writer(s): rose-wisteria rosewisteria
URL: http://heysayanime.kokidokom.net/
Feed: http://heysayanime.kokidokom.net/feed/
Indexed since: Dec. 27, 2008
Description: An anime blog that specializes in reviewing current animes on a daily basis by a group of competent writers. An anime blog that is not afraid to cover a wide range of shows and genres each season.
Writer(s): rose-wisteria rosewisteria
URL: http://heysayanime.kokidokom.net/
Feed: http://heysayanime.kokidokom.net/feed/
Indexed since: Dec. 27, 2008
Description: An anime blog that specializes in reviewing current animes on a daily basis by a group of competent writers. An anime blog that is not afraid to cover a wide range of shows and genres each season.