Title: Kakera Complex
Writer(s): Asperity
URL: http://kakeracomplex.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://kakeracomplex.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: July 1, 2011
Description: An Otaku blog by a young Australian man, aiming to provide somewhat intelligent thoughts, reflections, news and other less coherent ramblings on Anime, Manga, and other facets of Otaku culture, with a twist of his own brand of originality.
Writer(s): Asperity
URL: http://kakeracomplex.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://kakeracomplex.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: July 1, 2011
Description: An Otaku blog by a young Australian man, aiming to provide somewhat intelligent thoughts, reflections, news and other less coherent ramblings on Anime, Manga, and other facets of Otaku culture, with a twist of his own brand of originality.