Title: Little Neko
Writer(s): littleneko
URL: http://littlenekojapan.kokidokom.net
Feed: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/LittleNekoJapan
Indexed since: Nov. 16, 2008
Description: A Personal blog about my exchange to Japan, my life here, and things I find interesting (aka manga,book, jpop, anime, translating, culture,language, ect)
Writer(s): littleneko
URL: http://littlenekojapan.kokidokom.net
Feed: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/LittleNekoJapan
Indexed since: Nov. 16, 2008
Description: A Personal blog about my exchange to Japan, my life here, and things I find interesting (aka manga,book, jpop, anime, translating, culture,language, ect)