Title: Lostlink
Writer(s): Teeif
URL: http://lostlink.wordpress.com
Feed: http://lostlink.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: May 4, 2008
Description: - Episodic - 4Koma - Reviews - Tomare! [Stop] You're going the wrong way! Lostlink is a episodic animé blog from the Lost Holy Empire of Britannia (aka England) and is not the right direction if you want Japanese pantsu news. Lostlink is written by Teeif, who will give you an amusing, entertaining but somewhat untimely perspective on Anime and Japanophile Fandom.
Writer(s): Teeif
URL: http://lostlink.wordpress.com
Feed: http://lostlink.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: May 4, 2008
Description: - Episodic - 4Koma - Reviews - Tomare! [Stop] You're going the wrong way! Lostlink is a episodic animé blog from the Lost Holy Empire of Britannia (aka England) and is not the right direction if you want Japanese pantsu news. Lostlink is written by Teeif, who will give you an amusing, entertaining but somewhat untimely perspective on Anime and Japanophile Fandom.