Title: Mega Megane Moé
Writer(s): CCYoshi
URL: http://m3.dasaku.net/
Feed: http://m3.dasaku.net/feed/
Indexed since: June 20, 2007
Description: An anime blog that focuses on in-depth analysis of amusingly less-in-depth shows. Deconstruction of harem shows is all too common. Heavy focus on romance and visual novel adaptations.
Writer(s): CCYoshi
URL: http://m3.dasaku.net/
Feed: http://m3.dasaku.net/feed/
Indexed since: June 20, 2007
Description: An anime blog that focuses on in-depth analysis of amusingly less-in-depth shows. Deconstruction of harem shows is all too common. Heavy focus on romance and visual novel adaptations.