Title: Moé Idolatry
Writer(s): ayakyunik
URL: http://moeidolatry.com
Feed: http://moeidolatry.com/feed/
Indexed since: Oct. 11, 2007
Description: Based in Melbourne, Australia, this blog was set up in May 2007. A culmination of my amateur work and opinions relating to things that I love, mostly figures. This is a medium in which I can express my feelings of moé subjects.
Writer(s): ayakyunik
URL: http://moeidolatry.com
Feed: http://moeidolatry.com/feed/
Indexed since: Oct. 11, 2007
Description: Based in Melbourne, Australia, this blog was set up in May 2007. A culmination of my amateur work and opinions relating to things that I love, mostly figures. This is a medium in which I can express my feelings of moé subjects.