Title: My Sword Is Unbelievably Dull
Writer(s): 2009digitalboy
URL: http://myswordisunbelievablydull.wordpress.com
Feed: http://myswordisunbelievablydull.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: Jan. 6, 2009
Description: (Formerly Fuzakenna!) Run by 21st Century Digital Boy, the site is his shrine to all of his favorite anime. It's an editorial blog that talks about pretty much what the hell ever, and it has kick-ass fans.
Writer(s): 2009digitalboy
URL: http://myswordisunbelievablydull.wordpress.com
Feed: http://myswordisunbelievablydull.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: Jan. 6, 2009
Description: (Formerly Fuzakenna!) Run by 21st Century Digital Boy, the site is his shrine to all of his favorite anime. It's an editorial blog that talks about pretty much what the hell ever, and it has kick-ass fans.