Title: Neko Mimi Mode ¦ ネコミミモード
Writer(s): beerman
URL: http://pedolicious.livejournal.com/
Feed: http://pedolicious.livejournal.com/data/rss
Indexed since: April 17, 2007
Description: This blog mainly serves as a repository of news, gossips and various eclectica that reflect our continuing intellectual and cogitated journey through the cultivation of blended Japanese two-dimensional art and its sub-culture.
Writer(s): beerman
URL: http://pedolicious.livejournal.com/
Feed: http://pedolicious.livejournal.com/data/rss
Indexed since: April 17, 2007
Description: This blog mainly serves as a repository of news, gossips and various eclectica that reflect our continuing intellectual and cogitated journey through the cultivation of blended Japanese two-dimensional art and its sub-culture.