Title: Nick's Anime Weblog
Writer(s): nickistre
URL: http://anime.nickistre.net/
Feed: http://anime.nickistre.net/rss.xml
Indexed since: Sept. 14, 2008
Description: Notes, observations, and reviews on TV shows, books, movies, and other media that I come across and feel like jotting down here. Will be focused primarily on Japanese anime, novels, and manga, but not limited to these genres.
Writer(s): nickistre
URL: http://anime.nickistre.net/
Feed: http://anime.nickistre.net/rss.xml
Indexed since: Sept. 14, 2008
Description: Notes, observations, and reviews on TV shows, books, movies, and other media that I come across and feel like jotting down here. Will be focused primarily on Japanese anime, novels, and manga, but not limited to these genres.