Title: Orphic Anime
Writer(s): catberthrd
URL: http://orphicanime.wordpress.com
Feed: http://orphicanime.wordpress.com/feed/rss2
Indexed since: Oct. 18, 2010
Description: This blog takes a different approach to anime than simply reviewing plots, character development, etc. It examines relationships between studios and people, and how these influence the final product. It draws on specific examples of technique and style.
Writer(s): catberthrd
URL: http://orphicanime.wordpress.com
Feed: http://orphicanime.wordpress.com/feed/rss2
Indexed since: Oct. 18, 2010
Description: This blog takes a different approach to anime than simply reviewing plots, character development, etc. It examines relationships between studios and people, and how these influence the final product. It draws on specific examples of technique and style.