Title: Otaku Dan: The Life of an Anime Fan
Writer(s): Otakudan
URL: otakudan.com
Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/OtakuDanTheLifeOfAnAnimeFan
Indexed since: Aug. 21, 2008
Description: Otaku Dan talks about his interests in otaku culture as well as maintaining a rather personal blog at the same time, though most of it deals with figures and otaku-related news and articles.
Writer(s): Otakudan
URL: otakudan.com
Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/OtakuDanTheLifeOfAnAnimeFan
Indexed since: Aug. 21, 2008
Description: Otaku Dan talks about his interests in otaku culture as well as maintaining a rather personal blog at the same time, though most of it deals with figures and otaku-related news and articles.