Title: Otaku Lounge
Writer(s): otakulounge
URL: http://otakulounge.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://otakulounge.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: June 2, 2013
Description: Otaku Lounge began in April 2013 and is for the most part an anime blog, although it occasionally focuses on other forms of Japanese general and pop culture such as music, film, food, fashion and travel.
Writer(s): otakulounge
URL: http://otakulounge.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://otakulounge.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: June 2, 2013
Description: Otaku Lounge began in April 2013 and is for the most part an anime blog, although it occasionally focuses on other forms of Japanese general and pop culture such as music, film, food, fashion and travel.