Title: Pretty Scythe
Writer(s): newt
URL: http://prettyscythe.net/blog
Feed: http://prettyscythe.net/blog/?feed=rss2
Indexed since: July 3, 2006
Description: Rabid fangirling, rabid fangirling, incoherent fangirling, and some fangirling. I also like to make random sarcastic comments about Meine Liebe from time to time. /end random
Writer(s): newt
URL: http://prettyscythe.net/blog
Feed: http://prettyscythe.net/blog/?feed=rss2
Indexed since: July 3, 2006
Description: Rabid fangirling, rabid fangirling, incoherent fangirling, and some fangirling. I also like to make random sarcastic comments about Meine Liebe from time to time. /end random