Title: Protaku Anime and Manga Blog
Writer(s): protaku
URL: http://www.protaku.com
Feed: http://protaku.com/feed/
Indexed since: Aug. 17, 2006
Description: Protaku is dedicated to providing Anime and Manga fans with as much info and insights as they can stand. If you're into shows like Cowboy Bebop, Naruto, Ghost in the Shell, or Samurai Champloo...then this is the place for you.
Writer(s): protaku
URL: http://www.protaku.com
Feed: http://protaku.com/feed/
Indexed since: Aug. 17, 2006
Description: Protaku is dedicated to providing Anime and Manga fans with as much info and insights as they can stand. If you're into shows like Cowboy Bebop, Naruto, Ghost in the Shell, or Samurai Champloo...then this is the place for you.