Title: Renegade Anime Blog
Writer(s): corydorf
URL: renegade.animeblogger.net
Feed: http://renegade.animeblogger.net/?feed=rss2
Indexed since: June 8, 2006
Description: Renegade Anime Blog is my rants, rambles, insight and thoughts on anime and the community the drives it. I love responding to other people's blogs posts, and delving deep into the hows and whys of anime.
Writer(s): corydorf
URL: renegade.animeblogger.net
Feed: http://renegade.animeblogger.net/?feed=rss2
Indexed since: June 8, 2006
Description: Renegade Anime Blog is my rants, rambles, insight and thoughts on anime and the community the drives it. I love responding to other people's blogs posts, and delving deep into the hows and whys of anime.