Title: Sama Zama
Writer(s): Saria
URL: http://samazama.animeblogger.net
Feed: http://samazama.animeblogger.net/feed
Indexed since: June 17, 2006
Description: My blog title is descriptive. I watch a little of "this and that" kind of anime. The genres range from H-game-turned-anime to shounen to shounen ai to shoujo to slice of life to action. I love anime that can make me laugh and cry. I am currently a sucker for funny shoujo anime with cute love arcs, such as Fruits Basket.
Writer(s): Saria
URL: http://samazama.animeblogger.net
Feed: http://samazama.animeblogger.net/feed
Indexed since: June 17, 2006
Description: My blog title is descriptive. I watch a little of "this and that" kind of anime. The genres range from H-game-turned-anime to shounen to shounen ai to shoujo to slice of life to action. I love anime that can make me laugh and cry. I am currently a sucker for funny shoujo anime with cute love arcs, such as Fruits Basket.