Title: Simplicity
Writer(s): FuyuMaiden
URL: http://simplicity.kokidokom.net/
Feed: http://simplicity.kokidokom.net/feed/
Indexed since: June 22, 2008
Description: "If it's not entertaining, it's not good" is the simple view taken at this blog. But ignoring that one theory, there's almost always something good to be said (excluding the occasional rant). Run by an extremely girlish fangirl who is prone to self-exploration. If it's shoujo, it will be beloved. Everything else is up for bitching and snark.
Writer(s): FuyuMaiden
URL: http://simplicity.kokidokom.net/
Feed: http://simplicity.kokidokom.net/feed/
Indexed since: June 22, 2008
Description: "If it's not entertaining, it's not good" is the simple view taken at this blog. But ignoring that one theory, there's almost always something good to be said (excluding the occasional rant). Run by an extremely girlish fangirl who is prone to self-exploration. If it's shoujo, it will be beloved. Everything else is up for bitching and snark.