Title: Suspended Animation Dreams
Writer(s): MetalSonic700
URL: http://suspendedanimationdreams.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://suspendedanimationdreams.wordpress.com/feed
Indexed since: Nov. 9, 2009
Description: Manga, art, and sometimes anime team blog made of wacky writing styles, fun discoveries, and a very exploratory attitude. We try our best to provide a unique, but easily digestible experience and help expose all kinds of manga and artists.
Writer(s): MetalSonic700
URL: http://suspendedanimationdreams.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://suspendedanimationdreams.wordpress.com/feed
Indexed since: Nov. 9, 2009
Description: Manga, art, and sometimes anime team blog made of wacky writing styles, fun discoveries, and a very exploratory attitude. We try our best to provide a unique, but easily digestible experience and help expose all kinds of manga and artists.