Title: T.H.A.T anime blog
Writer(s): impz
URL: http://www.thatanimeblog.com
Feed: http://www.thatanimeblog.com/index.php/feed/
Indexed since: Sept. 13, 2006
Description: A place of many wonders (lolicon is not a wonder), we provide insight, commentary, satire, detailed summaries, manga reviews and a lot more. Yes, we do a lot and we are proud of it. So visit us at our one-stop website with everything you need: insanity, cuteness, intellectual discussions or simply fun.
Writer(s): impz
URL: http://www.thatanimeblog.com
Feed: http://www.thatanimeblog.com/index.php/feed/
Indexed since: Sept. 13, 2006
Description: A place of many wonders (lolicon is not a wonder), we provide insight, commentary, satire, detailed summaries, manga reviews and a lot more. Yes, we do a lot and we are proud of it. So visit us at our one-stop website with everything you need: insanity, cuteness, intellectual discussions or simply fun.