Title: Tangerine Tango
Writer(s): ninjovee
URL: http://tangerinetango.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://tangerinetango.wordpress.com/feed
Indexed since: Sept. 10, 2009
Description: Tangerine Tango (can be called TanTango for short) is another of the numerous Japanese media related blogs that can be seen in the blogosphere. Most entries will be focused on figures and Ninjovee's insights on different figure releases.
Writer(s): ninjovee
URL: http://tangerinetango.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://tangerinetango.wordpress.com/feed
Indexed since: Sept. 10, 2009
Description: Tangerine Tango (can be called TanTango for short) is another of the numerous Japanese media related blogs that can be seen in the blogosphere. Most entries will be focused on figures and Ninjovee's insights on different figure releases.