Title: The Anime/Manga Harem Brigade
Writer(s): TrainerOfLegend
URL: http://harembrigade.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheAnime/mangaHaremBrigade
Indexed since: Sept. 28, 2011
Description: A blog dedicated to anime and manga, with a special focus on the harem and ecchi genres. Don't miss the weekly and seasonal summaries and reviews!
Writer(s): TrainerOfLegend
URL: http://harembrigade.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheAnime/mangaHaremBrigade
Indexed since: Sept. 28, 2011
Description: A blog dedicated to anime and manga, with a special focus on the harem and ecchi genres. Don't miss the weekly and seasonal summaries and reviews!