Title: The Otaku's Blog
Writer(s): SilentSerenata
URL: http://theotakusblog.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://theotakusblog.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: Feb. 13, 2011
Description: Though Google defines "otaku" as "Young people who are highly skilled in or obsessed with computer technology to the detriment of their social skills" (screw you Google), The Otaku's Blog is as its name suggests - a blogspot by the fans for the fans. NOT about people highly skilled with computer technology.
Writer(s): SilentSerenata
URL: http://theotakusblog.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://theotakusblog.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: Feb. 13, 2011
Description: Though Google defines "otaku" as "Young people who are highly skilled in or obsessed with computer technology to the detriment of their social skills" (screw you Google), The Otaku's Blog is as its name suggests - a blogspot by the fans for the fans. NOT about people highly skilled with computer technology.