Title: Ultimatemegax's blog
Writer(s): ultimatemegax
URL: http://ultimatemegax.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://ultimatemegax.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: March 7, 2011
Description: This is my own personal blog that I have spun off from Cartoon Leap. I will be posting reviews as well as some editorials about various topics that come about in anime. I'll also be posting some personal favorites such as characters and shows and analyzing each separately.
Writer(s): ultimatemegax
URL: http://ultimatemegax.wordpress.com/
Feed: http://ultimatemegax.wordpress.com/feed/
Indexed since: March 7, 2011
Description: This is my own personal blog that I have spun off from Cartoon Leap. I will be posting reviews as well as some editorials about various topics that come about in anime. I'll also be posting some personal favorites such as characters and shows and analyzing each separately.