Title: Volume ONE+
Writer(s): Ten
URL: http://volumeoneplus.com
Feed: http://volumeoneplus.com/feed/
Indexed since: June 2, 2006
Description: Volume ONE+ is a mishmash of topics focusing on Japanese animation and graphic novels. After a reading an outstanding manga or watching a horrendous anime, generating a discussion with the community amplifies the experience. Volume ONE+ is my pursuit to a heightened participation. About Ten: I am Ten, a long-time anime and manga enthusiast. I used to run the now-defunct Yummy Sushi Pajamas (2003-2008).
Writer(s): Ten
URL: http://volumeoneplus.com
Feed: http://volumeoneplus.com/feed/
Indexed since: June 2, 2006
Description: Volume ONE+ is a mishmash of topics focusing on Japanese animation and graphic novels. After a reading an outstanding manga or watching a horrendous anime, generating a discussion with the community amplifies the experience. Volume ONE+ is my pursuit to a heightened participation. About Ten: I am Ten, a long-time anime and manga enthusiast. I used to run the now-defunct Yummy Sushi Pajamas (2003-2008).