Title: Waffles
Writer(s): Spiritsnare
URL: http://waffles.nagatocity.net/
Feed: http://waffles.nagatocity.net/feed/
Indexed since: Jan. 6, 2007
Description: Short. Sweet. To the point. But full of flavor. Waffles is an anime and game blog that forsakes recaps of full episodes for small random tidbits - both spoiler-y and not - in addition to general news and rants about Japanese visual culture. Occasionally, reviews of full series will be posted, usually when a series ends, or when I feel nostalgic enough to post about an old series. Updated daily...usually.
Writer(s): Spiritsnare
URL: http://waffles.nagatocity.net/
Feed: http://waffles.nagatocity.net/feed/
Indexed since: Jan. 6, 2007
Description: Short. Sweet. To the point. But full of flavor. Waffles is an anime and game blog that forsakes recaps of full episodes for small random tidbits - both spoiler-y and not - in addition to general news and rants about Japanese visual culture. Occasionally, reviews of full series will be posted, usually when a series ends, or when I feel nostalgic enough to post about an old series. Updated daily...usually.