Title: Worm and Triplerod's Anime Club (no 3dpd)
Writer(s): TripleBaka
URL: http://no3dpd.blogspot.com/
Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/WormAndTriplerodsAnimeClubno3dpd
Indexed since: Sept. 5, 2012
Description: well we blog about anything to do with anime. From our synopsis to current shows of the season to our hobby of collecting anime figurines. Just two guys talking about anime.
Writer(s): TripleBaka
URL: http://no3dpd.blogspot.com/
Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/WormAndTriplerodsAnimeClubno3dpd
Indexed since: Sept. 5, 2012
Description: well we blog about anything to do with anime. From our synopsis to current shows of the season to our hobby of collecting anime figurines. Just two guys talking about anime.